Sunday, October 4, 2009

Chika Nakayama Intangible problem

Intangible Problem
Children who grow up in the inner city can find a difficulty to gain access to the outdoors. Kids lives in area where with high crime, single parent house hold, and failing school. Many kids in this situation cannot get the experience that richer family has. Because of their economic and educational disadvantage, children from poor area don’t get the chance to experience nature. They do not leave their neighborhood and miss opportunity to see the world differently.

I found New York City Inner City outing organization that gives kids opportunity to experience outdoor and nature.
Inner City Outings (ICO) is the Sierra Club's community outreach program for children and adolescents who face the challenges of growing up in New York's inner city areas. They are 100 percent volunteer organization working to provide young people with outdoor recreational opportunities, leadership training, positive group experiences and environmental education, while imbuing in them a love of nature and the outdoors.

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