Monday, October 19, 2009



1. Fun theory approach can attract more people to change the daily life style behavior which guides to the right direction to solve the serious environmental problem in public space.

2. One small fun act can help to evolve people’s daily behavior, which will make the synergy effect in the communities to lead toward many good answers for our serious environmental problem.

Key Words:
Evolving, improving, interactive, synergy effect, fun, share-ship, environment

Key Diagram:
Fun Theory – Environmental Problem
-The healthy ‘Share-ship’ usage will stimulate the synergy effect
- The interactive reactions to the individuals will attract communities’ attention.
- The product will be sustainable.

What: Environmental problem
Where: Public space
Who: Everyone
How: Fun and interactively
Why: Because one tends to avoid the problems that are too big to handle with oneself
The individuals are not relatively linked with the environmental problems.
Environmental problems and individuals are dislinked.

Stakeholder and user
People in general
New York City sanitation department
World Environment Organization
United Nation environment progamme

Research Plan:
Survey, interview, news on public share, public need, public environmental issues and problem, and public sanitation.

Research Tool:
Internet survey
Interview people at various organizations
Social human behavior research


sl said...

I am very interested in your hypothesis, which is very clearly stated and well-reasoned.

You say that we can accomplish big improvements by encouraging individual people to make small changes in their behavior, and that the best way to do this is by making a product that uses fun and playfulness to convince users to "do the right thing". In a previous post, I believe that you showed an example where a device inserted in trash baskets made a funny sound whenever someone dropped in a piece of trash. Your observations seem accurate to me, but now you have to test them empirically, and then determine how a new product can be designed to emulate the successful examples you cite.

You have to:

1. prove that small, acts carried out by many people over the course of days, weeks, months and years begin to have real positive outcomes on a large scale.

2. Show how these small acts achieve synergistic benefits by encouraging a sense of community involvement in painless ways.

3. Determine how you can emulate the product examples you admire by studying how they work and then creating a new product that uses these same strategies, but in a different way.

Good luck. This seems like a very strong idea, and I look forward to working with you as you bring this together and do a great thesis project!

HS Chung said...

Thank you so much for your help.