Sunday, October 18, 2009

Eliana Alborta: Formulating Hypothesis

Eliana Alborta
Thesis Development

Hypothesis: The traditional Coca leaf has many cultural values to indigenous inhabitants of Bolivia and has defined their identity, lifestyle, and heritage. The image of the Coca leaf has been tainted by external drug abuse. The development of innovative uses for the sacred leaf can clean up the image and increase the demand for the cocalero’s harvest.

Identity Groups (experts and non-profits)
- Alejandro Landes, journalist and filmmaker premiered Cocalero, a feature documentary about the political campaign of Bolivia's indigenous president Evo Morales, at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival.
- Evo Morales, first indigenous president of Bolivia former coca farmer.
- Ibema, largest furniture company in Bolivia interested working with traditional craft.
- Cocaleros
- The 'Coca Leaf Experience' is the first ever and only Coca Leaf museum in Amsterdam.

What information will support of refute your argument?
- Historical facts
- Survey
- Market research
- Interview experts

Who has this information?
- Experts
- Filmmakers
- Industry expert that know how production works in Bolivia
- Book
- Statistics
- Harvest records

How might you extract this information?
- Talking to the experts
- Surveying
- Product testing
- Extensive research

- Survey the public of their knowledge and perception of the Coca leaf.
- Research existing products that are being mass produced and available world wide.
- Contact experts.

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