Monday, October 12, 2009

Monica Bhatia : Three Issues

"Only Thing we have to FEAR is fear itself" - FDR's First Inaugural Address

Fear is:


Learned (by example)

not as prevalent in children

triggered by media

financial fear in relation to the current economic state – fear of not finding a job, keeping a job, or being able to support oneself and family

  1. The Economist – Magazine

  2. Corey Robin – political theorist and author of Fear: The History of a Political Idea

  3. Ricardo Caballero – MIT's Ford International Professor of Economics

fear of illness, the irrational fear of doctors, new procedures in medicine, the dentist, health insurance, communicability disease from SARS to the swine flu how parents condition children to be fearful of germs and injuries

  1. Joseph E. LeDoux - Center for the Neuroscience of Fear and Anxiety at NYU

  2. Philip Alcabes – Author of Dread: How Fear and Fantasy Have Fueled Epidemics from the Black Death to the Avian Flu

  3. Dr. Thomas R. Frieden - New York City Health Commissioner from 2002–2009

the epidemic of irrational fears - terrorist attacks, pedophiles on the internet, global warmining, ecoli, huicanes and earthquakes, new technologies

  1. Daniel Gardner – author of The Science of Fear

  2. Wole Soyinka – Former political prisoner and author of Climate of Fear: The Quest for Dignity in a Dehumanized World.

  3. Elizabeth Phelps – NYU Phelps Lab of Cognitive Neuroscience of emotion and memory


Mary Howard said...


this is really intriguing.

What strikes you as of interest about the subject of fear?

how do you feel about:
or strength?


Monica Bhatia said...


I've realized through my reading that fear is such an important and natural emotion that is exploited so much by the media and marketing which is something I never really thought of but believe is very important from a designers perspective.
Fear is often used to sell products, ie. pharmeceudical companies convincing you have a problem that can be solved with drugs, or security systems where a commercial may depict a burglar breaking into your house and harming your children.

I hadn't thought much about courage or strength but maybe thats what many of these solutions are lacking. But I would like for whatever i design, whether tangible or intangible to promote this.