My interest in health and sustainability has helped me narrow down points I would want to cover when coming to a design solution for each of the areas. When looking into possible contacts for each topic, I gained a lot of insight into similar organizations that share the same ideals, but have different approaches and view points when looking into these issue. These topics of interests are from strongest to weakest, in respective order. They are:
1. Prescription drug abuse among teenagers and young adults, tackling the issue through education and awareness.
Contacts include:
a) drugfree.org - The Partnership for a Drug-Free America, a nonprofit organization that promotes parent to children relationships, with a strong online resource.
b) dfaf.org - Drug Free America Foundation, Inc., a drug prevention and policy organization, that promotes policies and laws, reducing illegal drug use and drug addiction.
c) OSDFS - The Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, administers, coordinates, and recommends policy for providing financial assistance for drug and violence prevention in schools.
2. Bicycle safety through education, planning, and engineering, specifically looking at New York City, possibly expanding a well established program to other locations.
Contacts include:
a) ibike.org IBF - The International Bicycle Fund is an independent, non-profit organization, that promotes bicycle transportation, and a sustainable environment.
b) bicylinginfo.org - The Bicycle Countermeasure Selection System sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration,(BIKESAFE)provide practitioners with the latest information available for improving the safety and mobility of those who bicycle.
c) bikeleague.org - The League of American Bicyclists program recognizes communities nationwide that support the five E's of bicycling - education, enforcement, engineering, evaluation and encouragement.
3. Energy Conservation efforts through alternative energy consumption and promoting new bulb technology.
Contacts include:
a) iilec.org - The International Institute for Energy Conservation, a non-profit organization that creates enabling mechanisms and institutions world wide for efficient and sustainable use of resources, including energy, water, materials.
b) gsa.org - U.S. General Service Administrations, offers "The Energy and Water Conservation Program" that helps reduce utility costs and energy consumption by promoting optimal energy use.
c) nyconservation.com - New York Energy Conservation, a family owned business that specializes in solving comfort and energy related issues in existing buildings.
1 comment:
I suggest being cautious about developing a product for your thesis project that focuses on raising awareness about a problem. It seems to me that there are more direct and impactful ways to contribute to meaningful change. I prefer projects that offer some new method for doing something that contributes in some way to improving life for users (or collateral beneficiaries, as in the case of products that reduce environmental hazards. I also think that you need to make rapid progress in coming up with an idea for thesis that is both meaningful for you, and practically accomplishable. Let me know how I can help.
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