1. Improving education by using soccer as an incentive. This could be done by a product but would likely have a strong tie to a system or curriculum in order to be successful
Possible Contacts:
-PassBack Program- No names found yet- Program collects and gives out slightly used soccer equipment
-Lawrence Cann- CEO and Founder of Street Soccer USA- A soccer league which helps the homeless
-Michel Platini- President of UEFA- Helps govern Europe's soccer leagues
2. Improving upon prisoners ability to find and sustain jobs by providing training within prisons. Development of designs which provide training while producing an end product
Possible Contacts:
-Scott Peltzer- Prof. at Parsons and Founder of Brooklyn Woods- Provides free training to mostly people with criminal back
-Don Finkell- CEO of Anderson Hardwood Floors- Employs South Carolina prisoners to produce products
-Peter J. Murphy- Warden of largest correctional facility in New England- Provides classes and training in woodworking
3. Improving consumer knowledge about production and materials by showing the complete process from tool making to refinement of material to production.
Possible Contacts:
-Rick Hearne- Hearne Hardwoods- Created own band saw to cut specialty and rare lumber
-Richard Sennett- Professor at NYU and Founder of NY Institute for the Humanities- Author of "The Craftsman"
-Christopher Schwartz- Journalist and Editor of Woodworking Magazine- Has extensive knowledge of hand tools
1 comment:
Hi Carl,
I am very excited about your second product idea: as you probably know, many states are considering massive releases of current prisoners into society, due to major budget deficits. We simply cannot continue to incarcerate so many people, it seems to me, because it is financially catastrophic for our society, and also somewhat barbaric to have so many people locked up, most of them for "victimless" crimes.
But, how do we absorb all of these individuals, many of whom are seriously hardened criminals, often with no skills? I am not sure if a product idea can do much to improve this situation, but I will tell you this much: there will be a strong market demand for any product that offers solutions to this horrifying problem.
So, I think you should go for number 2, but I have no idea of how to do it. I do think that you could probably get some input from inmates, however. I know that there are various pen pal programs that you can use to gather some opinions from potential users. I guess that is the ultimate "captive audience".
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