Friday, October 16, 2009

Win Research $ for Thesis: Michael Kalil Endownment for Smart Design

Intention to Submit DEADLINE: November 2
Forms Here

The Michael Kalil Endowment for Smart Design was established in 2001 in memory of designer Michael Kalil at the School of Constructed Environments. The mission of the Endowment is twofold: to foster the understanding of the design intersections between nature and technology and to support a heightened sense of responsibility for increasing the sustainability of built environments. Each year the Endowment awards three Memorial Fellowship Grants and sponsors a visit/lecture by an annual Kalil Fellow. The Kalil Fellow is selected from an international community of scholars and practitioners working in the spirit of Michael Kalil.

The Memorial Fellowship Grants are awarded to students and faculty of Parsons the New School for Design/New School University as well as outside practitioners. Recipients of fellowships use their award monies to support a project or course of study that will both increase their understanding of the intersections between nature and technology as well as make a contribution to environmental sustainability. Projects might include: travel, attendance or participation in workshops, conferences, meetings, participation in design competitions, pursuit of an independent course of study, and/or scholarly research and publication.

Three $5000 Fellowship Grants are given annually:

The Student Grant supports an undergraduate or graduate student studying at Parsons the New School for Design.

The Faculty / Practitioner Grant supports a current faculty member or group of faculty members from any New School division; or an outside scholar/practitioner from within any design field.

The Collaborative Team Grant supports a team of Parsons students working in collaboration from within three or more of the five Schools of Parsons the New School for Design. The five Schools are: The School of Art and Design History and Theory; The School of Art, Media, and Technology; The School of Fashion; The School of Constructed Environments; The School of Design Strategy

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