Sunday, October 18, 2009

Vanessa Leung's Hypothesis and Strategies

By improving the material and designs of the packaging and the system of distribution process, however at the same time keeping the feeling of traditions improvements made will be successfully adapted in the producer and consumers lives.

Material specialist:

o Suitable materials that will reduce the carbon foot print, but still maintaining the nostalgic feel of traditional wine.
o Material samples, material journals, statistics

o Observe how consumers react to certain materials
o LCA and calculating the carbon footprint
Whom to Reach:
o Material specialists (Material Connection)

Vineyard bottlers:


o Traditional materials they use
o Bottling process
o Explore old bottling techniques and materials
o Interviewing wine collectors
o Material exploration
o Interviewing why people like the old bottles
o Books about bottling history
o Documentaries [how it’s made]
Whom to Reach:
o Wine Experts
o Vineyard bottlers
o Vineyard workers

Distribution companies:

o Regulations
o Process of shipping wine from place to place
o Packaging materials
o Shipping Companies
o Wine Shops
o Vineyards
o Interviewing
o Documentary
o Packaging places [experience how things are packaged]
Whom to Reach:
o FedEx
o Ups
o Fresh Direct
o Harlan Estate

Packaging Designers:


o What is considered during designing
o Materials frequently used
o Manufacturing processes used
o What do consumers like
o Packaging design firms
o Packaging designers
o Interviewing designers
o Survey consumers
o Working together with packaging designers
o Customer testing, handing out models to see their reactions
o Manufacturing companies, whom to reach
Whom to Reach:
o Design firms
o Designers
o Stores [wine stores, duane reade]

Sustainable Consultants:


o How to make the process more efficient and environmental
o Sustainable consultants
o Shipping companies
o Interviewing designers
o Statistics
o Email
o Working together
Whom to Reach:
o Shipping companies
o Sustainable consultants

Mocking up different form studies
Using different materials that mimic glass and see how people react
Mocking up different senarios of the delivery process and reciving wine

If wine lovers are educated about how their actions are destroying the climate and soil which is an important factor during wine production they will be motivated to help or change their ways.



o What is the ideal weather qualities
o How do vineyards prepare for the different weather patterns
o How do you try or predict the weather conditions they will face
o What do they predict for the future
o Wine journals, Statistics, Graphs, Weather maps, Charts
o Interview scientist
o Interview Vineyard workers/managers
o Read documentations of work logs
o Read Vineyard production/status documents
Whom to Reach:
o Vineyard managers
o Scientist in schools
o Weather experts



o What is the ideal soil qualities
o How do you test or figure out what is good soil
o How do you improve damaged soil
o How do you remove diseased soil
o Agricultural journals, Statistics, Graphs, Charts
o Interview scientist
o Interview Vineyard workers/managers
o Interview Agricultural specialists
o Read Vineyard production/status documents
Whom to Reach:
o Vineyard managers/specialists
o Vineyard Planners
o Scientist in schools
o Soil experts

Educational Organizations:

o How do you educate people effectively
o Research educational organizations, promoting companies, public relations
o Interview public relations people, organizations
o Read, research, ask how companies/organization educate people
Whom to Reach:
o Public Relations
o Educational organizations
o Public relations firms


o The importance of oak in the wine industry
o Documentaries
o Interview workers
o Read documentaries of what happens to barrels afterwards
o Interview public vineyard workers dealing with barrels
o Forest organizations
o Interview what happens to barrels afterwards
Whom to Reach:
o Forest organizations
o Barrel makers
o Barrel Cleaners
o Vineyard Storage workers

1. Wine tasting good soil vs. bad soil/good wine at different temperatures

2. Brouchue or gift handed out during vineyard tours

3. Using the oak from the barrels with wine stains to create a product or something to inform the consumers.

1 comment:

sl said...

Hi Vanessa,
I am very interested in your thesis topic, and I believe that there are good opportunities here to develop a new approach to packaging for this product that will be more environmentally sustainable, but at the same time capture the traditional aesthetic of the wine bottle that consumers feel is an important part of the experience of drinking wine. I would like to speak with you in class on Monday, if possible, to go over your research plan. Please be prepared to discuss the ways that you intend to investigate consumer attitudes about existing methods for packaging wine, and any progress you have made in developing a new approach.