Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Work in Progress 11/4/09

Below is the bullet point of suggestions from Len, Mary, Steven and Jennifer after my discussion on November 2, Monday.

Jennifer and Steven & group peers:
-Mapping out every single types of trafficked victims and pick an age group and type to work with.
-Continue looking at passport redesign as a possible product solution.

Len & Mary:
-Changing the Asian misconception of "overseas" to abroad
-Really narrowing down to one region, I can pick my region by finding out which country is the most approachable and resourceful through research. (Right now I am working with human trafficked victims of Taiwan. Which are mainly transported from Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand. )
-Omit extra information on the poster that is irrelevant.
- Continuing working with my organization and find out informations of the trafficked victims destination cities in Taiwan.
-putting together another relationship graph after research. i.e: does education creates job opportunity locally? if so, should my end product be an educational product.
-Research about female education organizations and campaigns such as - 3 cups of tea

My progress:
Right now i am organizing the information that i have, also deciding which will be my region before the weekend so i can dive in to narrower research.

Source: CIA, The Protection Project, and UNICEF


sl said...

I looked carefully at the map you posted; it's interesting because it shows that some countries are sources of trafficking victims, some are consumers, and some seem to be both, such as Phillipines, Thailand and Indonesia.

Also, if you haven't watched the movie Trade, you must, because it is exactly about this.
You can watch it on Netflix on your computer if you are a member.

I really feel that you have a great subject for your thesis, and you still have enough time, but you have to make some decisions, and then you have to get busy making things, drawing, developing your product concept right away. Let me know if you need help brainstorming about this.

Anonymous said...

Dear Steven,
thank you for the link and your feedback, I am still working on gathering my research so I don't develop a useless product at the end.
I will present my more organized and developed progress to you tomorrow!
see you in class

sl said...

I just watched the movie Trade again on netflix. it is devastating, and might give you some ideas. You can use my user name ( and my password (modu38) to watch it on netflix "Watch it now" on your computer, as long as you have a fast connection.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Steven!!
that is very kind of you to do!
i will watch it now...