PILL BOX: one argument against stem cell research is this notion of going against what nature has intended for us. Although, the same argument can be said for antibiotics, prescription meds, and organ transplants-all of these things which, in theory, inhibit nature's course. PILL BOX addresses the various pills and their quantities that are necessary for survival within certain contexts. For example, some one with HIV must take 13.4 pills everyday, someone with heart disease must take 25 pills a day, etc.
HEART BROOCHES: The heart is the only organ which doesn't repair itself after a heart attack--up to 50% of heart muscle becomes degraded as scar tissue forms over. HEART BROOCH is a tangible representation of pre- and post heart attack, while also acknowledging the potential of regenerative medicine.
I am in Colorado now doing user testing on a product for blind kids. today, I met a high school student who used to be visually impaired, but who is beginning to regain her vision, apparently through stem cell therapy. She and her mother had to travel to China to get this therapy because it is not available here. She said that they injected stem cells into her spinal column, and somehow this ended up improving her vision. If you like, I could hook you up with this girl, I'm sure she would be happy to speak with you about this treatment.
I need more information about the idea of the heart brooches. Is this purely a consciousness razing effort? Why the heart?
Wow- that would be amazing--I would love to speak to her about it. The heart is relevant because the statistics surrounding heart disease are staggering and it is the number one cause of death in Americans. This fascinates me for a number of reasons. The heart brooches are a mental exercise in conveying information about regenerative medicine. Please let me know about getting in contact with the girl. Thanks Steven.
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