1. Contact science teachers about causal relationship between making functional objects and future interest in science.
2. Continue market research, especially along 2 areas of focus that I will pursue: (A)functional but safe tools for making things, (B) DIY vehicles that can be built and ridden by children.
3. Pursue healthy and sustainable building materials as alternatives to blue foam.
4. Develop build able vehicle platform concept
1 comment:
I really like where you are going with your project. I think your research is telling you good things, and the time you spent in the school looks like it helped you. I agree with all of your findings, and your plan for proceeding seems very sensible.
From your diagrams and your comments, it sounds like you plan to work on a full scale kit for creating functional vehicles. This does seem like a very novel approach that will probably achieve the result you are after. It would be interesting to try to determine if working in a larger scale than construction toys that require the child to mentally scale the object up (like lego, for example) would be more conducive to creating connections that could lead a person to start thinking like a scientist. I think you could argue this both ways, so the only way to resolve the issue is through more user testing.
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