LeuMission Statement * In one sentence, sum up what you aim to achieve through design. Design a product that will bridge the disconnection between wine drinking traditions with new wine. Hypotheses * List the assumptions that you must test in order to support or frame your argument Can people taste the increase in ABV%, or they just get tipsy? Do people taste or realize the difference when paired with different dishes? What group of people can this product effect or be useful to? Should this product be sold commercial or just offered in a restaurant atmosphere? Will people be curious enough to ask why they are using this product? Should the knowledge be passed on verbally or written? What technology could be used? Research methods * What methods are you employing to learn more about your area of intervention? What do you need to know? Who are you utilizing? Ex: Articles, books, journals, interviews (w/whom?), surveys (of whom?), observations (of whom?), experiments Reading, talking to wine gadget companies/scientist: technology of ways de-alcoholization Interviewing vineyard workers: The chemicals changes within the wine, location of vineyards, and industry. Wine Consumers: Who buys wine gadgets and why? Market Research: What accessories are already in the market? What are the functions/ purpose for gadgets? Interview wine and food experts: How is today’s wine effecting the pairing of food? Analysis * How have your findings shaped your argument? Market Research: gadgets: Main purpose is to enhance the flavors, speed up the drinking time, and convenience. Clientele: Moderate to expect group of wine drinkers. Vineyards: Changes in the chemistry of wine and how sprits are needed to be added. Culture and food: Wine experts what is the tradition and culture, casual drinkers and their culture. Tax Laws: 14% is the highest ABV% or else the tax s increase. Survey: The culture and interests within the different clienteles. External Relationships * Who are the stakeholders? Who are the experts? Whom have you spoken with? Stakeholders: Any consumer who has contact with wine: (Wine consumers, restaurants, and vineyards). Experts: Companies who specifically design wine gadgets (Atelierduvin), Vineyards. People I have spoken to: Environmental and wine lawyer, Robert Parkers secretary, snooth (owner of wine blog) People I am waiting for to respond: vineyards, companies that design wine gadgets, people pairing wine, food and wine culture, and wine tasting people. Design Criteria * List the attributes that your design action must have in order to be successful? What are the formal, functional, ethical, material, and cost criteria that you have uncovered through your analysis? Function: convince and enhance and help the flavor or the wine. Materials are glass/ plastic/ silicon/ stainless steel. Products: home, restaurant, any setting that has food and wine. Conceptual Development * What are POSSIBLE designed outcomes of your process? Describe possibilities of how design can address the issue you have chosen? Some possibilities could be designing gadgets to de-alcoholize the wine that can work with the palette. I could also design new vessels or bottles to maintain or help the wine age properly (minimize alcohol content). Design a new system of keeping the wine, not a big refrigerator or a product to help promote drinking current wine. Feedback * Describe the feedback you have gotten so far and how it informs your process. It is helpful when we go to the point of what needs to be done to move forward, sometimes I feel that we end up discussing a lot of topics that are not my main focus and when the discussion is over I feel more confused or in the same place. Another really helpful feedback that helps me move forward are specific little paths that our teachers tell us to look into. Next Steps * What are the necessary next steps to achieve your mission? I need to talk to vineyards to really get an experts view on the whole industry and what has been done. I also need to get in contact with wine accessory companies. Talking to wine and food experts can help me fully understand the culture and guidelines of pairing things together and how the wine can have an impact on the dish. Charette People: Sommelier can share their knowledge in wine, and wine industry. If possible it would be great to work around or use the restaurant they work at. Product Designers would be the next group of people whom would have a moderate amount of knowledge in wine. With this combination, the two fields coming together, we can have experts in wine and creative minds working together. Activity: The activity would consist of a wine tasting but focusing on how the ABV% is or is not affecting the dishes that are commonly paired with. Test all the different types of gadgets and vessels; analyze why they are effective and successful. Test or observer in different locations to see what is truly effectively used in the culture of drinking. After analyzing the product we can mock up some products and try testing them at the different location mentioned before, restaurants wine tasting or home environments. Goal: Is to achieve a productive discussion about the today’s culture in drinking wine and if the accessories are actually used or has an impact, does it really bring out the flavors and how could a product that has a message behind it really be brought to a discussion through drinking wine? How will I facilitate: I can facilitate by keeping the discussion flowing together where the sommeliers and designers can have a conversation or design that works together, rather than having two different conversations. Furthermore I can lead it in the direction where they wouldn’t be sidetracked because it is very easy to get lost with the vast amount of information about wine in general.

The feedback I recived was for me to start narrowing down my information and only present the nessary information inorder for me to get the responses that will help me move forward. I also need to start finding out specifically whom my product will really affect and whom would care about this product. I also need to find and conact external relationships that can help me move forward, some possibilities would be research stations, wine and food experts, and vineyards.
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