Monday, November 16, 2009

Grace's Tsai's thesis proposal as an example

Sorry for always bragging about Grace, but here is a link to her thesis document at the end of the Fall semester. It is a 14 meg download, so only have a look if you are really interested. She had a really simple but good layout design and in general this is a good example of the production values that we are expecting from everyone (at a minimum).  Even if your idea is undercooked at this point, you should have a visually appealing and clearly articulated and complete final product. Grace totally changed her product idea in the Spring, but the work she did in the fall formed the foundation of what she went on to do. She would not not have known enough to reject the project she had halfway through thesis if she had not gone through this process. Then, she was able to do a really strong final project because she already knew what would not work.

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