Making Lasting Multifunctional Furniture
My focus is the urban residence in which a limited amount of living space necessitates the use of multi-functional furniture. Today the experienced mover desires a more durable product than the cheap furnishings that all too often are thrown out and end up in the landfill. My aim is to stop that waste and offer another option which is a line of furniture that is heirloom, that is of good quality, that is not obsolete and that will last a long time.
All residents who inhabit 1 to 2 bedroom apartments in big cities like New York City require surfaces upon which they can work and surfaces upon which they can eat. Given that the biggest complaint amongst urban residents is a lack of space, I seek to combine these surfaces into a single piece of furniture.

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Another designer that you may want to look at as you develop your furntiture designs in Jean Prouve. You can see a few of his designs .
Jean Prouve's furniture is made out of industrial materials, so it does not meet your criteria for something that is of heirloom quality, but he was very interested in designs that are convertible and that use ingenious methods for permitting users to reconfigure them.
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