Saturday, November 28, 2009

please vote for the one you think is the most catchy ...

Hi everyone,
--please give me some opinions on the below versions of boards
They are incomplete- The original space for sketches will be replaced with improved product ideation/graphs...but i would like to know which form of the presentation board is more catchy.
Thanks so much!


sl said...

angela, I agree that your board needs some work to make it both more snappy visually and also much clearer to the reader, who is trying to extract information quickly. Here are some suggestions:

1. Use a real schematic map faded out as the background, instead of the outline of cambodia. There's no information given if you just show the the outline and it doesn't help your presentation. I would show (lightly) the way that that the geography of the region works. Cambodia has a big lake in the middle, major temple complexes, and big cities. You should be looking at a specific place in Cambodia, like Phenom Phen (spelling?), so it will add interest to your board, and if you do it right, it will not interfere with the text or other graphics. You may also want to include another map that shows the relationship of cambodia and taiwan.

2. I would do something graphically to pull out the text of the first- hand account of being lured by a trafficker, for example you could show that text as if it were written by hand on a letter, which would highlight the idea that this is a first-person account. By the way, you should probably make it clear who that person is. I believe that it is a composite of various accounts that you read about or were told about. If you expect readers to accept that these are statements from real people, you need to make that clear.

3. You should use some form of table with lines or color-coded outline (like in the first poster)for the data, instead of center justified columns.

Your graphics are downplaying your design ideas in the final board. It looks like you are not sure that these are what you want to pursue in the Spring. I guess you are going to have to go with this and maybe come up ideas you are more excited about based on comments you get on Monday. Let me know if you want help brainstorming this.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Steven,
i'll work on my board and post when updates are made.
