Monday, November 9, 2009


I am not focusing on the sofa bed anymore as my user group is not looking for any sofa beds.

With more experience of moving homes people from ages 30 and up learn the furniture they no longer want to buy and that is that they no longer want cheap furniture that will create waste but furnitue of good quality that will last a long time. For example furniture sold at auction houses are furniture of good quality that these people appreciate and want to have even though it is not new and is pricy. This user group is looking for heirloom furniture.
There is never enough storage in any apartements and especially in studios and 1 bedrooms apartments. How can space be used efficiently through a piece of furnitue. The dinning table is found in everyhome and the surface can be used as extra working space as well. Papers need to be stored when transforming desk to table. How can there be a dinning table and a desk in one piece and that follows the cirteria of heirloom furniture, longetivity and that is not obselet.

Next step:
Take scale of dinning tables for 6 people and desks in studios and 1 bedroom apartments.
Identify the dedication floor plan to these pieces of furniture.
Look at furnitue in auction houses- materials, quality, price, when it was produced and where.
Look at how dinning table surfaces have been used differently over time.

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