Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Angela -Mid review

I tried photobucket, and resizing...but nothing works!
Grace & Steven:
- The use of camera in this new system seem much more practical then the original  Peter Gabriel's Witness program- where the children that try to take pictures may be in risk for being the witness of a crime.
- How will the camera be set up in the school? if the government i profiting from human trafficking, why would the government agree to have this system set up in school?
-As a whole, the parents' mind set still doesn't change- They are still using their children as a money making tool.
- How will the 25 cents work? will each child have their individual account for the money to go to?
-The idea of combining Sponsors' (facebook users) phycology of only want to donate when knowing the donation is going to be person specific and the adding parents' motivation to send their children to school works well.

William (Prototype teacher)
- Look up Nicholas Kristof - a columnist on human trafficking in NY times.
- The design of the camera would be crucial, is it going to be attached to a laptop? handheld? or is it one device that does all.
-The system creates an important sense of participation for the sponsor, parents, and children.
- What's the compelling graphic "hook"thats going to catch people's attention on facebook?

Richard Yeh
- "Its a really hard topic, not easy to solve, because the human trafficking issue is heavily involved with gangsters, maybe looking into jobs that children can do to help with the poverty issue."

Sofia Kim & Baikon (06 GRADUATES)
-Very ambitious, keep up the work and look in to local resources.
- Look up Skills/products that involve parents and children's participation together can be a way for the problem also. The key point is to create a stronger bond between the family.
- Look up what age 6-10 girls can do as positive labor to earn income.

Hiro & Karissa
- How is the money going to be organized is important to your project
-Don't come up with a product that doesn't make sense. A well-planned strong system stands out more then a product that's just created to fulfill deadlines.
- The picture acts as a mean of important evidence in your case, maybe by exploring ways of catching first hand footage and shock people with the footage ( suggestion to look at the cigarette commercial where the women only had 8 fingers; also the one where a man who has a hole in his throat)
- The anti-rape device that was developed for Africa. where girls insert these device in their vagina, and when gets raped, the device shoot out micro razor sharp pieces to trap the criminal. The device can only be removed when go to the hospital.
-it is important to choose something that you like to prototype instead of just diving in to design something that you have no idea about and doesn't want to make. (asking if i really want to design a camera?)

- Look upstream. Look at what else is going on in cambodia and its culture, try to find the answer through the superstitions and culture. Solve the problem from the root, not just stop it by a ring (process)
- Will the school become a device for the traffickers to make even more money? they might set up a fake school and force victims to take pictures everyday just to get the money from the sponsors?
-Look more in to cultural tradition, economic tradition, education and the micro climate of the family.
-Have more numbers on population, the use of birth control and again, cultural superstitions!

-Read the book born into brothels
-think of a system with a more business perspective , my system heavily involves the mechanism of ROI - Return on investment, if i could make it work, then the system would work.
-When will it break even? (when mother can instantly get 300 US dollar, and the children only getting so little a day.)
-Will the system become a thing where parents are producing more children just to get the money.

-Statistic designed to catch sponsors eyes. (Maybe other then  having a little girl's picture uploaded daily, have a message displaying- the Cambodia trafficking rate went down 1 % because of your participation! / Because of you, Lila is now in high school...etc.) Something thats living, and will continue encourage the sponsors to donate.
- Graphically change the dominant color part of the poster which is unnecessary. Display more important information, and don't waste the poster space.
-Create the sense of "meaningful work", make the sponsors know that what they are doing is worth it and IS indeed helping people.
-Create a website, have more statistics such as "typically in a 6 month period, xxx cambodian children are sold..."


RossiL said...

try taking a screen shot - that is the only way I could get my presentation up

Anonymous said...

Thanks... i tried it, but it says uploadinf error....

yoomi choi said...

Did you try saving for web(png)?

sl said...

Angela, did you get your board uploaded? I am pretty sure it is a file size issue. what is the file size? It is pdf format? Please attach the file to an email and I will try to figure out what is causing this annoying problem.