- Clearly state the three reasons why women are not wearing these bras and why women should be wearing these bras
- Use the tags you created as conversation starters
- Leave out your process if it does not strengthen your argument. EX. “At first I thought physical healing would effect….” To “physical and psychological healing effect one another”
- Look at Nike materials and style, it could be a source of inspiration for your project
- You are looking at comfort and attractiveness
- Material exploration will be very important – must be washable
- Ace bandages will not hold up – scrap the idea
- Speak to a large range of survivors, they will be more open
Emily Day
- Psychology representative (talk to Robert if you want to pair up with other students)
- You speak very comfortably/sensitively about the subject
- Great idea
- Confusion that I may be focusing on “style” I may really need to put an emphasis on physical healing
o There are many types of women, lots of styles, need a different style for each women: I might want to pick a style group or “persona” for example I may want to look at a young women in a relationship – what tpe of healing garment would they want?
o The white models are confusing, they look so bland – not beautiful
o It is so similar to the last project “Chikara” – it will be hard to live up to – she was thinking about doing her thesis on breast cancer – but didn’t want to live up to that project - but feels I have the potential to make this a great project
- if you want to talk to women, talk to survivors
- how many women have breast cancer?
- Need to narrow in on a smaller focus
- Focus on moment where you could have the biggest impact
- Think about creating a collection (about three)
- It would be wonderful if you could follow someone post surgery
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