Richard (Graduate of 2009): serving size- daily calorie- advertising- cultural significance of advertising translating- from tv, to toy, to food.
Dr. Judy Wylie Rossett- Problems: children packing lunch but eating it before lunch, Parent or older sibling picks the child up from school, shopping and planning vs. impulse, parentalizing as method of power and control over food, supermarket set-up impulse vs. produce isle, blame game, communication, cultural openess, goals
Melinda Wax: Problems sitting and eating vs. eating on the run, Napen Kohen-look up
Detroit MacAuthor Grant
Dennis Daerrycir- Food Price vs. value, milk-hormones, four distributors control NYC food, schools serve 700,000, Food Security= Structural Racism- 1. accessibility(walking) 2. Affordability 3. Cultural Identity (Pathmark selling plantans)
Community owned, mapping out resources,
Hiro- more detail on mental models - get more specific
Kevin McElroy- changing behavior- emotional connection + convenience, money spent at bodegas, codes- preconcieved class barriers, Food- more interaction
Rick Penny-potpurri of ethnic attitudes surrounding food- further delve into area of interest, Forced consumption- eating constructively with food stamps, games- play kitchen, home economics- still exists?d
Steven-motivation as a simple society change, emotional connection- how does the shopping trip work- hone in the home.
Tom McKay- How could two different perceptions be geared in the same direction, Aligning- understanding what their interests are Obesity is a result of no exercise- you have to start early- children won't eat what they haven't had before + making kids watch Supersize me, Popeye ate spinach so children will eat spinach, Food understanding- what food does- break it down for kids, Boston PBS- cultural make up
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