+ this is a quiet revolution
+ must link “too much packaged food” to need for cooking
+ I am trying to demystify the cooking experience and reviving cooking experience
+ need to better explain how delivery system works
+ scrap book personalizes cooking experience
+ likes food trading idea
+ prepared food is not just a problem of suburbs
+ front yard gardens…victory gardens
+ where is this community center to buy food or trade?
+ organic certification is only for 75% actual organic…misleading!
+ has heard of teachers trading soup
+ system ideas are about giving people around the country the idea and letting them run it
+ veggietrader.com and glazemixer.com
+ think about food waste
+ am I trying to get away from supermarket all together?
Byron and Sofia:
+ cooking makes meal more special
+ where does our food come from?
+ using yards for farming – sharing food
+ we should be more involved / exposed to production
+ we need education
+ website could show what people in the neighborhood are eating
+ food waste
+ good to see footprint of each food item
+ we need to start dialogue with food producers – want to see animals being killed to make meat
+ we need proper proto calls for safety
+ suburbs take what they can get
+ what is the scenario of distribution?
+ vertical growing takes advantage of land better
+ scrap book needs more direct connection to local food
Mike B:
+ organic = honest cost vs. conventional = external costs
+ as generations go by more understanding of real cost
Xiao and Roberto:
+ SPUD = local food delivery in LA
+ need education
+ supermarket will not be happy about vending cart – maybe partner with supermarket instead
+ cart will never be able to undercut the supermarket, so it needs to be more convenient in order to compete
+ use laziness to give my product advantage over supermarket
+could start w/ cheaper organic items
+ people are only going to want to go to one place for their groceries – so cart may not be able to satisfy need?
+Delivery service already exists – there are CSAs that include multiple producers – look at Stanford social innovation review
+my market can be much wider within suburbs, does not need to be $85,000 family income. (down to 55 ?)
+food security = access to food, affordable food, reflecting culture
+the access in suburbs is there, but it is not convenient
+not totally convinced of argument
+need to push it further
+likes idea of delivery from multiple vendors w/ small amounts of many items and some things pre-prepared
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