Tuesday, December 1, 2009



ANNA RABINOWICZ: professor, product design
-what is the relationship between cancer and stem cells?
-How do stem cells regrow things?
-missing a direct connection between stem cells and heart disease
-when we think of stem cells, we don't think of the heart, why?
-talk about what is going on in stem cell research right now
-my project is moving too much toward awareness
-can my heart scan watch product function technically, how?
-talk about biofeedback more

DENNIS: milano project
-he was amazed that more people don't talk about menstrual blood and stem cells
-how will my project end up as a product design?

JENNY:CD student
-maybe the user would wear only certain parts of the ring to symbolize damaged areas of the heart
-the heart scan watch is interesting-but it needs to be more private

LAWRENCE: arch. student
-think about the NMRI technology: is it harmful if worn all the time?

SETH NAGELBERG:professor, ceramics
-look at female urinals in europe
-connect people more to stem cells--a bit confusing right now
-explain heart patches more in the begining--relate back to columbia

TOBIAS WONG:designer
-the heart ring is too elementary
-what's another way to connect people?
-iphones are the direction we are headed for in terms of electronics--think about this instead of a scan watch
-fashion dictates everything--make it stylish and modern
-the heart is sacred--play up this idea
-maybe not necessary to collect bottles of menstrual blood, but only a drop--since they replicate so fast
-menstrual blood is tricky--connect more why women would even want to do this
-tone down logo--maybe its too much
-love that I am not using any red---too easy and boring
-maybe change fonts up

JOSEE LEPAGE:design consultant
-it would be difficult to get women on board to collect their own menstrual blood--are these extreme people or who would be targeted for this kind of product?
-the board and products need to relate more to eachother-right now they seem separate-make that connection

TIM DUBITSKY:designer, kiehls global
-maybe too much text on my board
-look at how new york magazine conveys stats
-maybe break my project into 3 parts: awareness/prevention/connection etc. think about this
-put real images on my board: a real stem cell etc.
-make Columbia connection more prominent

JENNIFER CARPENTER:thesis professor, product design
-layout on board is good
-not sure about connections
-look at the scars of women who have had a heart operation-they are high on their chest
-there is definitely a disconnect between people and their physical self
-watch may be too expensive
-bottle idea is interesting-menstrual blood is ubiquitous, free, ties to women and awareness etc.
-look at the history of menstruation
-tweak problem to talk about a lack of connection to the "bodie's resources" i.e stem cells
-people need to understand their own stem cells
-how do we collect our own stem cells?
-packaging is important
-how can storage be cheaper for freezing stem cells?
-what are other sources of power?
-supply and demand is the key
-look at the menstrual blood bank in India
-think about pods that come directly out of your body that can be placed in freezer to preserve stem cells

MIKE BOYLAN:product designer, harry allen
-visualizing data is always best
-a wealth of new icons and manifestations are possible within my topic
-return envelop in a tampon box: could it be this simple?
-look at blood drive trucks
-stem cell patch is about administering meds----could doctors use this?
-synergize with other feminine protection companies
-think about biodegradable/ renewable packaging
-"the netflix" for menstrual stem cells---make the process convenient

BAIRON AND SOPHIA: alumni and designers
-visual feedback is important
-look at lifelines--what do they tell us?
-people really can't pinpoint their hearts
-connect stem cells to the heart more

DELIP: anesthesiologist resident, st. vincents
-NMRI watch gives off too much radiation--look to other technologies
-challenge is trying to connect to a younger population--"show them what a heart attack feels like/looks like"
-this is a very interesting topic

Len Mayer, thesis professor, product design
-why aren't I using more red?
-why isn't stem cell transplantation happening right now?
-look to policy makers---they are important stakeholders
-this is the new era of hope--everything will now be accelerated--why was it delayed?
-create more hope
-de-mysitify us!!!
-impact me more--why should I care or be excited about this?

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