--Try to avoid working with the govt b/c I did & it was very difficult & not fun
--Not everyone will be able to accept your concept so think about that & be convinving
--The wearable money seems like an interesting solution to your problem b/c it doesn't involve people altering their internal body.
--Very interesting concept from a practical design level
--Think about unique ways that you can deactivate the identity
--Do you program it? Does someone program it for you? Are you in complete control of your identity?
--risky unless you're 100% in control
--series cards. Do they include money? Social security? Medical records? & if so, is that safe to carry around?
--As for wearable money, it's camouflage but the camouflage ends when people see you using it.
--could it deactivate when moved a certain distance?
--All info could be stored on the microchip
--incorporating objects bridges the gap between the the completely futuristic digital world and gives your project a lot of reality
--think about how the data is backed up of there's a glitch
--provides a sense of physical security
--passive & active project
--analogue & digital hybrid!
--Fail safe feature when systems go down??
--How do you make it tangible?
Tom O'Hare
--people are scared of this kind of thing. How can you target that?
--great fix, but could it be erased/deleted just as easily?
--RFID Passports
--prevention: metal case
--education about storage/discarding
William & Jennifer
--Will: Chip inside is scary
--idea of becoming an object of a corporation: Visa owns me?
--Social Identity
--deal w/ surveillance
--why this is different
--you can deactivate it
--medical tool
--about security
--can in be inserted and removed>
--can you change what it does/stores on your own?
--Can you take it out if you don't want it anymore?
--How do you target biblical aspects
--my body is sacred & I don't want anything in it & I don't wear jewelry so how
does this affect me?
--"Give me your card!"
--if I knew it was a 2-part object, would I not ask for the deactivator?
--how do you target that?
--Definitely a cool concept: don't let anyone discourage your process. Prove them
Ray Koh
--if some tries to take it, the info can scramble
--compatible only w/ the rightful owner
--could incorporate a series of objects for those skeptical of the body
--sustainable concept
--very cool
I was little surprised at how many people reacted in such a positive way. I expected a little more "You're crazy!" but a lot of people really embraced my concepts. Even those who were moderately skeptical had great feedback in explaining how to target ways that prevent it from working.
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