Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Monica Bhatia - Feedback

Robert Kirkbride = Mission of project is unclear, make a point of saying that I am working w/ the physcologists at NYU that study the emotional brain
What keeps you up at night?
How people already deal with fear? Avoidance

Alan Wexler = look at mexican worry dolls and the day of the dead, fear lifesavers - place them in a supermarket, "candy as medicine", objects that force you to deal with it, stream of conciousness diagram of placebos, religion - aleaviating fear through prayer, broaden my scope even more, "the most powerfull anti-septic is sunlight

Seth Nagelberg = Think about fears specifically among mothers
If I were to focus specifically on swine flu - what could I make?
Can imagine candy to be something you give to a child to help them w/ fear

Mike Boylan (Designer - Harry Allen) = Look up charts of irrational fears: ways most likely to die at certain ages,
Look at the objects people are actually using to deal w/ their fears.
Need more information on board

Bart Haney (Project Manager - Fuseproject) = Shapes need to have more of a reason
Target a specific fear
Joseph LeDoux (Center for Neural Science - NYU) = How to make people WANT to use these
How do Doctors make patients less fearfull...and more fearfull?

Tom O Hare = Look at fear rituals peoples mothers did,
The history of hand soap,
There are many different reasons for having the same fears - ask people not only what they are afraid of but WHY they think they are afraid of.

Ray Koh + Friend = FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real,
"Lick my fears" manipulate the candy material more,
Am I really talking about innocultion? I need to make that more clear if so
Adult Pacifier

Len Mayer = Look at insecurity - brands you have: stigma, coward, hiding.
The epidemic - old, dark, new , foreign.
Find people who claim not to fear, is it true?
Very important issue to address today - possibly target from more of a political angle

Elizabeth Rosenthall (Allergy Dr) = Look at National Institute of Health
Center for Disease Control
NYT Board of Health
Fear from 70s vaccinations
The Scientific Mind from Scientific America - why we make bad deisions

Jay Schiffman (Thinkativity Toys) = Need to focus on ONE thing now
brainstorm about creating products for the hypochondriac
Fear calculator - a visual way of expressing risk statistics, such as a jar of m & ms that makes you find the one candy in the jar that is the likeliness that something bad will happen to you
A landfill of worry to recycling your fears
A clock that shows you how much time is wasted by worry
Fear breathalizer - won't let you use the internet or start your car

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