Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Monica Bhatia - Board and Feedback


Christine and Laura - PD juniors
-objects for 3 stages need to connect more
-should you transition from one to the next? discard old ones? Or should they work individually?

Sheldon - Droog
"He who laughs, lasts."
-Making illness funny? Not easy

Aria - PD junior
-Wants the objects (like the dartboard) to give some sort of feedback when used

Neelima - PD junior
-Not sure how/when exactly to use the objects. Would like a detailed description and use and meaning

Joel - Laser cutter guy/teacher
-Did not believe that the previvors thought this was a good idea.
-Dart board needs to be BIGGER more powerful

Susie - Survivor from FORCE
-Thought provoking
-Likes the humor
-Wishes this was for people with all types of cancer

Sara - ???
-Helping these people w/ laughter .... defiantly fulfills a need

-Objects need to work better as a family
-What is the user experience?

Dylan - NYU curatorial studies
-Look up: Comedy cures - humor therapy and Norm cousins --- proof that laughter as medicine is already working

-Doll reminds me of the movie metropolis -- scary?
-Stickers need to be more emotional, with four-letter-words
-Games should be MORE violent and angry
-Wish the books deflated with use

Sara - Pratt PD senior
-Where are the objects living? - could see the doll in a waiting room or a counselors office
-Feels like the rest of the objects are already deciding for you what you are going to choose and that might be bad
-Would like something that assures you that whatever decision you make is ok
-Should the objects be used for breaking the news to loved one that you are having surgery?

Dina - previvor from FORCE
-There is a lot of anger involved in the deciding, perhaps the doll could be more violent
-humor = good!
-Tired of breast cancer awareness and previvor awareness crap! doesn't associate herself with ever being sick! These products should celebrate that you aren't going to get sick because you are doing the right thing
-The pillow is too weird
- FORCE helps with a lot of the "technical" aspects of being a previvor like what kind of reconstruction to get and not with a lot of the "emotional" aspects of it, these products should
-It is an absurd situation that we can be so worried about getting sick, nothing has really happened yet --- and that actually is funny.

Bart - Fuseproject
- The set isn't really working because if you don't make the right decision on the first one you dont have any use for two and three!
-Also not working because if you do receive them together they are almost telling you what you will going through next, and that kind of sucks.
-Should try to turn the doll into a more diagrammatic way of analyzing your options - this way it could be more permanent and you would be able to look back on it.
-Contrast mechanics vs. emotions more
-The dart board does not have enough reward and involves too much chance when you really want these products to make you feel in control.

Joseph - architect
-Look up comic novel about dealing with breast cancer
-The doll seems like it is treating the woman like she is already sick
-Lots of messages about positive thinking as cure: Lance Armstrong "we can beat it"

Next steps:
-Re-evaluate the three stages I have: are they all necessary?
-I started to realize as I kept saying it that steps 2 and 3 work together but step 1 can stand by itself, so maybe I need to choose one.
-Go forward with anger therapy ---- how else can this be done
-Get together w/ more previvors - testing

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