Monday, March 1, 2010

Child Nutrition Articles

Michelle Obama spoke with a school food group about obesity: Read it here

Also, Chipotle is supporting a film about kids and food called "What's on Your Plate?"

And... an article about "Table Tantrums" and how to get your kids to try healthy foods

Involve them in shopping and preparation:
"Lucy, founder of Mange Tout Kids, which runs classes helping youngsters to enjoy healthy foods, suggests involving children in the decisions with questions like: “Would you like peas or sweetcorn with your fish and mashed potato?” Then thank them for their great choice and remind them again later what’s for dinner."

Get them cooking:
"With boiling water and knives around, it’s hardly surprising many mums keep kids out of the kitchen. But getting children to help in meal preparation is an important step in getting them to try new foods. "

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