Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Andrea Kim Board


-Pulse rate can also be taken in different parts of the arm.
-Look to urine tests, how is hydration really understood?
-Look at sensors in other methods of analyzing body fluids.
-Diabetes tests, how do they test their levels?
-What is in the sweat that makes this product valuable?

Matt Hoey:
-It needs something more, learn more about smart sensors.
-Something is lacking concept wise. Look into "magnetic oil."
-"Think along the lines as if my product were being exhibited in something Design for the Elastic Mind."
-Ask my external partner about sweat patches.

-Identify what the problem is when running.
-Have the screen be the key part of the product
-Fit comfortably on the arm.
-The sensor and screen should be one thing, credit card size?

-Mention statistics to attract the readers in. Mention statistic from old board.

-Clarify how this would work from person to person.
-Would this work if you were a really hairy man?
-"Does this work with heart monitors? Could it?"

-Wants to see multiple designs and models to give the user more options.
-Sophisticated censor has to be on the body.
-Consider air temperature and ambient temperature.
-Object should be calibrated to person to person. IT IS A SMART SENSOR.
-"You can use the armband to harvest energy, all it needs is to source from your body temperature. Body temperature can be converted into an energy source and it is something that exists in the market, its just a matter of how much energy you need."
-Think about transmitting and monitor changes in you. Therefore adds a value.
-Incorporate a LCD screen.
-Show more variations on your board.

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