Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I didn't get a chance to finish my presentation this morning, so I thought that I would post something that I was hoping to show you all. This is a video where Johnny Lee discusses his amazing discovery about how to acheive very low-cost head tracking with the Wii remote. Take a look I think you will like it.

The reason that I wanted to discuss this in relation to the topic of design research is that I wanted to emphasize that one purpose of doing research is to be inspired by the accomplishments of others. There is no direct relevance for Johnny Lee's work on the Wii Cane project, but it was important for me to see that others are hacking the Wii in creative ways, because it gave me confidence that I would also be able to produce a system that uses Wii in a way it was not intended for.  I also love what he does with the Wii because it is such a powerful idea, yet very economical and simple, really.

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