Sunday, September 13, 2009


1 comment:

pbeirne said...

Thank you, Chelsea, for this spirited review of the exhibition. It is very important to recognize opportunity in moments of frustration -- and you have identified these moments in your write-up.
Your sketch ("What the Hella?") is a very effective graphic -- your sketches read clearly and the use of color for the handwritten call outs gives us a visual "voice-over" of sorts. As a brainstorm, this set reads quite well and allows us to understand where you might begin to bring this project. The photo-diagrams are not as successful, perhaps because the visual language almost begs for a much more fully formed idea -- I find myself understanding where you might go with them but not reading much from them yet -- I encourage the concept but don't be afraid to caption your diagrams. It makes them much more reader-friendly. The write up is good -- and as nit-picky as this might sound, it is very difficult to read more than a couple of sentences in ALL CAPS. You'd be amazed how much easier it is to communicate your ideas and get people on board if you are obsessive about readability. Just something to think about in terms of presentation -- the content was all there, and I much appreciate your efforts to present your ideas.
Great job.