Sunday, September 20, 2009

Thesis Decomposition _ Day to day

What is the project about? What is it trying to accomplish?
This project aims at strengthening the bond between caretakers and their patients. Specifically, the project has goals of improving the mental health of care takers and enhancing communication. It also serves as a quality control mechanism for the family and supervisors.

What is the "product"?
The physical result is a knitting template that is used in tandem to create a simple knitted form.

What research methods were employed in the process?
The research left much to be desired because ascertaining where it came from and how it was applied was guess work. The book included a bibliography that cited a combination of six internet and journal articles, however, within the book there were no citations. There were numerous graphs that failed to communicate solid research. Unfortunately, the way the book is setup, there is only testimony from one user.

How did research inform the design outcome?
This question is answered above. However, there is an overall feeling that the research just did not make it into the book and that this design was created from an informed background.

What relationships were forged to support the development of the product?
A relationship was established with Direct Care Alliance, Inc, a not for profit organization. The goals of the organization align with the goals of the product. There is no mention of how the sponsor interacts with the final product.

How did these relationships inform the outcome?
It is assumed that the research contributed to the final design of the project. The exact contributions are not made clear, but the needs the project fulfils appear to be informed by the mission of Direct Care Alliance, Inc.

Describe the design development process. Was it iterative?
The holes in how the research is presented set the tone for the presentation of the overall process. There are many unexplained jumps and conclusions, but indications suggest that each decision was well thought out.

How do materials play a role in this project? Did material use contribute to the mission of this project?
The materials satisfied the mission of the project, but were limited in their scope. The materials seemed to be dictated by what the designer could produce in our shop. The materials used ultimately cheapened the final product and concept.

What is the feasibility of the project...

Socially? - The project took a look at a group that is primarily under represented and made a thoughtful contribution. Care giving is a considerably large field and this project has the potential to appeal to it.

Environmentally? - The materials chosen for the project show little consideration for the environment and the product itself has no end of life strategy.

Materially? - The materials are suited for mass production but, they lack visual appeal as well as environmental integrity.

Economically? - The economics of the project need to be examined more closely. The current estimates of price are too high.

Functionally? - This project appears to be able to produce knit wear, but should only be used in tandem.

1 comment:

sl said...

Your criticisms are accurate. I think that Hironao wanted to make a knitting thing, and he did minimal research to really prove that his product filled a need and would actually achieve his stated goal. We have to take it on his word that the product succeed, because he doesn't actually provide any evidence. It's unfortunate, because his product is actually very appealing, and was received very favorably by the audience when he presented. By the way, your criticism would have been even more effective if you had produced a counter-product that you believe would have been more successful and evidence-driven. I'm hoping that you will post your 30 x 30 board on the blog so that we can see how you would have approached this.