Friday, February 26, 2010

Leigh Ann: Marije Vogelzang & Dine By Design

This is a great Pop-Tech video by a woman that uses food as her medium for design.  It touches on a lot of our thesis topics like...
rituals around death
communication (at the dinner table)
obesity of youth (in the bronx) 
tricking 3 year olds into eating vegetables 


Len Mayer said...


Thank you for the sharing. Have Ingrid look at the table setting as well...


Ben Brummer said...

I met Marije briefly at an event i Germany. Interesting stuff even though some of this, for me as a trained chef, is hard to swallow (no pun intended). In any case thought provoking.

She will be speaking at in New York soon. On March the 25th at the Stephan Weiss Lecture Series at Parsons and the on the 26th at HEADSPACE.

LAT said...

Yeah, i'm not sure those bread bowls would taste too good!
thanks for the heads up about her speaking!