Concept Development
After I had interviewed the campinteractive organization, I came up different ideas that is inspired from urban hiking.
I chose 3 ideas, sun print paper, pop-up mapping and pop-up dowels, to test.


User test


I'm really excited about this new idea of marking landmarks and having a 3D check list in the form of a game--it also looks fun for adults--I want one. I was thinking you might want to look at pocket size products, pop-up cards and school supplies that are easily transportable so that your final solution isn't too big and enables ease in access and mobility. good luck!
Chika, you are doing great work here. I am really pleased that you keep developing and keep testing new products. You have a great imagination. Is your plan to develop the pop up maps and the shadow collecting book, or will you choose one of them to focus on? they are both simple enough so you could do both, and if you made them all related by form, color, material, etc., you would have a nice product line to start your urban camping business! I can see this idea being a commercial success, really, because it is is very practical but also thoughtful and aesthetically nice.
Keep working and testing!
Thank you for your comment!
Yeah, I will include a key or legend idea.
I am developing a pop-up map and pop-up dowel. I thought the sun light paper was a simple task and fun, but after user testing, I realized that it cannot hold their interest. While user testing, I also noticed that they like to be given a task to complete, so I think the pop-up map is more fun for them. I also include the parents to use this so that parents can guide them.
I got a lot of comments from my classmates and I still have a lot of things to think about, like size and material, if this is going to to be used one time, how the children will carry the product, what sites I should include, how much it will cost to complete the map, how will children change their behavior after using this product....
I think I am moving forward!
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